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About Fear

By Victor M Fontane

When the Vikings invaded France in 845, they easily defeated all the troops sent by King Louis. As the King's army had a 10-to-1 advantage, a myth spread among the Franks that the Vikings knew no fear. --Of course we know fear, Ragnar said, we just don't encourage it.

Fear leads to servitude, obedience, and slavery, which is a far worse fate than dying in battle. We do not worship a chief, he is one of them, elected momentarily, we discuss everything in assemblies, and our women are free. 6000 years ago manipulators discovered that fear served to enslave people, and began to encourage it.

It wasn’t even fear of something tangible. The fear of a demon, a vengeful god or a wicked universe served as well. Fear caused 150,000 Egyptians to give up their lives dragging 12-ton stones through the Sahara to build the Great Pyramid.

Who ordered them?

A Pharaoh, his ministers and two ARCHITECTS. NO more than 14 people. Fear made parents give up their daughters to be burned by witches, or their sons to be sacrificed on an altar, or in the trenches of Verdun. Sometimes there were people who did not submit, in the year 1000 a group of young people from the Island of Bora Bora got tired of the human sacrifices that had turned paradise into hell. - If you don't like it, go away, misfits, they said laughing.

Where were they going to go?

Well, they loaded a ship with food and animals and went to sea. The storms, the sharks, the thirst are going to kill them, they shouted at them. They sailed for 22 days without knowing where they were going, until they found some uninhabited islands that they called Hawaii. Before going down they promised themselves that there would never be sacrifices again, that if someone wanted to honor a god, they should do it with flowers.

There is a big difference between FEAR and CONCERN.

Concern is that feeling that allows us to survive, it is that "alarm" that warns us that we have to take care of ourselves and is often the result of previous experiences. It also allows us to take care of our life, family and belongings and it is something natural. FEAR is that paralyzing feeling that prevents you not only from thinking or reasoning, but also incapacitates you due to the terror that you feel even at very high levels, immobilizing you until you even die due to the inability you have to react. And it is precisely fear that historically has caused us so many limiting beliefs in our lives.


Our boys and girls - and puppies - are born without fear, fear is cultural.

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