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About Emotions

By Victor M Fontane

The reason why when are watching a movie we cry, we get angry, we laugh, we get scared and we experience a variety of feelings knowing that it is not real, just like the projection on a screen with sound that is not real or happening at the moment is because at that moment our intelligence (Budhi or wisdom in Hindi) and the ability to discriminate (Viveka, in Sanskrit) stop working. In the same way we suffer a nightmare even though it is only the content of the unconscious on our mental screen.

The same thing happens to us in this apparent reality that we live and that has been explained by means of holographic theories. Our mind, in waking states, projects a reality and then we experience it. In a state of hypnotic trance the therapist can make the subject see what he wants or not see it. Have all kinds of experiences which the person will experience even with their eyes open or in an apparent state of wakefulness as a result of a post-hypnotic order. In India, some fakirs do a trick where, in front of a group of people, they throw a rope into air that is not attached to any place, climb it, disappear from public view and then the pieces of their body begin to fall one by one to later reintegrate and appear intact. The truth is that the fakir was all the time standing in front of the group of people but through his mental capacity he projects in the minds of the spectators what he wants them to see. The trick was first discovered when a cameraman filmed it. Strengthening the discriminative capacity and maintaining the notion that all this is a projection is what will soothe our existential pain. Remember that when we dream we are convinced that we are in a place, experiencing a specific time, interacting with people in a plot that is even sometimes illogical but that we do not even question and we realize that it is absurd when we wake up. The difference between sleep and this waking state is only one of duration. When we learn to stop our mind, that is, we turn off the projector, that is when we become aware of the game of the mind.

SO, ultimately emotions are just a construct of the mind and our real consciousness is way far and beyond the mind.

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