By Victor M Fontane
Meaning of “Doshas” in Vedic astrology is the condition that has "flaws" or "un-favorable" positions of planets. These "doshas" in Vedic astrology occurs when the malefic planets or cruel planets like Mars, Rahu or North Node (Dragon's head) , Saturn and Ketu or South Node (Dragon's Tail) are present in certain houses that can ruin the positive effects of the horoscope.
Doshas(curses) and remedies are the part of Vedic astrology and has been practiced since the inception of vedic astrology.
Some of the major Doshas are:
* Tithi dosha (vedic lunar dates when sun &moon are not in comfortable placement)
*Gandmool nakshatra dosha (birth when moon is in Ketu or Mercury stars)
*Shrapit dosha (when two or more malefics together impact benefic houses)
*Nadi dosha (when people with similar nadis (energy channels) get married)
*Pitra dosha.(curse due to sins of our ancestors)
*Mangal dosha.(Mars when placed in certain houses which gives unhappiness in our marriage)
*Sarpa dosha.(when nodes takes all planets between them or all angular houses occupied by evil planets)