By Victor M Fontane
According to the teachings of theosophy our human race ever since appeared in our planet its being evolving in cicles starting with the first root race, the Polarian Race (ethereal), second root race, the Hyperborean (colored Golden Yelow), third root race, the Lemurian Race (black colored race that lived in Lemuria, a Continent on what is now the Indian Ocean, including Australia and extending into the South Pacific Ocean, fourth root race, the Atlantean (Brown skin, white hair, full lips and blue eyes race that inhabited Atlantis, the fifth root race, the Aryan race, current race living on the planet and residues of previous races, the sixth and seven future races that will be the end of the cycle of seven races in the spiritual evolution for humans in this planet.
It is known that the Lemurian race ended due to the negligent use of technology, the Atlantean civilization ended by the struggle between the spiritual light forces and the dark forces clash and the powerful negative energy generated, ended up sinking the continent in the ocean.
How our fifth race, the Aryan and where were are right now will end? Depends on us.