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About Akashic Files

By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

As we continue to learn about ourselves, we realize that not all feelings, emotions, and thoughts originate within us.

Just as fish live in water without realizing it, we live in a sea of ​​electromagnetic energy, apart from the atmosphere, which we will call “The Astral Light”.

That term was coined by the ancient Rosicrucians to refer to the aura of the Earth. That Astral Light is the Great Magic Agent that has the power to transmit and record everything that happens on this planet, from the most dramatic events to the most intimate thoughts of each sentient being. That is why it is also known as the Akashic records.

The Akashah is the space with its seven layers or levels that we talk about and this is the closest to the physical plane. This level is the means by which telepathy is possible. All the beings that live on this planet are connected by that electromagnetic field, for this reason there is nothing that happens in our world that we do not participate in.

In the same way that in the atmosphere there are what are called jet streams which modify temperatures and are even used by pilots in their flights, the same happens in the Astral Light. It is for this reason that at certain times we can feel depressed for no reason, angry for no reason or spiritually exalted even when we are not doing any spiritual practice.

The spread of diseases do not only occur airborne, they also occur by transmission through the Astral Light.

The levels closest to this plane are the most dangerous because there is where all the mental garbage, the perverted thoughts, the aggression and all the afflictive emotions that humanity produces are stored.

People who have thrown garbage into the Astral Light will have to face it after they leave their physical bodies.

All the suffering that you caused, all the oppression, all criminal action is waiting for you there in thought forms, which will torture you until you have purged your actions. This is the true meaning of the purgatory of Christian religions and the various hells described in Eastern philosophies. To be clear, our own creations will be our torturers to the extent that we see and feel again and again the pain we have caused others. It is not that any gods or demons torture us, they are their very thought forms projected to the Astral Light.

We have to learn to distinguish, our feelings and thought and those that come from the currents of space.

There are certain materials that can isolate us from the effects of the Astral Light such as wool and silk, for this reason, the ancient magicians used cloaks with hoods made of these materials.


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