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By Victor Fontane

The Abhidhamma is a collection of Buddhist teachings primarily studied by monastics, scholars, and serious practitioners seeking a detailed understanding of the mind.The Abhidhamma provides an intricate and meticulous analysis of the mind and reality, breaking down mental and physical experiences into their fundamental components. It provides meticulous classifications, enumerations, lists, and definitions that illuminate the intricate workings of consciousness and reality as taught by the Buddha. 

The Abhidhamma presents its teachings in a systematic and logical framework. It categorizes mental factors, consciousness, natural laws, material forms, causal relations, and other phenomena into distinct categories and presents an understanding of the interrelations between them.

Our mind is always in a process of projection and concealment 24/7. In all experiences we project what we want according to our mental states and we cover up what we do not accept or it is against our mental states. This is a continuous process that leads us to give opinions, make decisions and act generally without knowing or understanding the real nature of our experiences or how our mind works. Good example may be like two persons having the same experience and interpreted in two different ways, maybe one positive interpretation as love and another negative interpretation as hate. So, the interpretation is really neutral but the response can create positive or negative karma. If both persons have the ability to see and understand the real nature of the experience then is neutral, no response and no karma.

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