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A.I. and the Fate of Humanity

By Victor M Fontane

All the pros and cons of AI capabilities and the possibility that machines, being more intelligent than humans, can destroy it.

The new fear is that humanity will be destroyed by AI and they, by being more capable and intelligent, will become superior to their creator. There have already been science fiction novels and movies that have created a collective response that adds more fear to what already exists in human lives. One argument is that not having sympathy or positive emotions towards humans creates a danger without forgetting that our human species has already reached the point where sympathy and positive emotions are not always present due to the values that govern our modern societies. Humans will probably destroy themselves before any machine takes the path of destruction.

However, as presented and discussed by scholars of ancient spiritual traditions, the decision of altruistic actions, devotion and the idea of the real Self would be difficult to objectively introduce into the behavior of Artificial Intelligence.

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