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By Jose N Garcia, Vedic Astrologer

In a cycle as long as a Zodiacal era is, the advance within it is slow. The duration is 2,155 solar years it would take to complete the 30 degrees of Aquarius. A degree is traveled in 72 years, so if the Era began in 1900 according to Transhimalayica School then we have traveled just 1 and a half degrees in the retrograde movement. This is why we don't see such dramatic changes in the processes that occur on our planet but slowly they will manifest.

Just as the dawn gradually happens so this new aurora will manifest.

Shweta is the name given to the planet Uranus in Sanskrit and is the Lord of the Era. This one takes 84 years to spin around the Sun staying 7 years on each sign. His work of transforming, delivering and creating a New Humanity will slowly do it in every department of nature.

He is the Great Hierophant or starter of humanity and people who have their Moon, the Sun, or the Ascendant in Aquarius are more sensitive to their influence. Their energy is being drawn to Earth by our Big Brothers and Guardians who focus their lightning strike according to an established development plan.

Our Planet is currently under the influence of strong cosmic currents of transformation, but whatever is in disharmony with the fundamental accord of this New Time will gradually disappear to give way to a bright age.

In January 1st. let's think we're welcoming not a New Civil Year but the Age of Light.

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